Wix Dropshipping: The Ultimate Beginner’s Guide for 2022

Wix Dropshipping: The Ultimate Beginner’s Guide for 2022
Heard of Wix? Yep, that’s right - the website builder with the ads of random celebrities that always show up on YouTube. Wix ads are kind of cringey. But the platform itself is actually pretty good. It’s really easy to use with an intuitive drag and drop editor. There’s also a vast range of templates and a bunch of apps to add functionality. So can you use it for dropshipping? If you’re looking for a beginner-friendly platform to create a dropshipping store, Wix is a good option. But it’s not for everyone. Dropshipping with Wix is a bit more complicated than other platforms. And there are also some major downsides that you should know about before you lock yourself into a yearly subscription. In this guide, we’ll explore the pros and cons of Wix dropshipping. You’ll learn everything you need to know to decide if it’s the right platform for you. Then, we’ll go through the step-by-step process of setting up a dropshipping business on Wix. Follow each step, and you’ll have a fully-functional dropshipping store by the time you finish this guide. As a bonus, we’ve also included a list of the best Wix apps for dropshipping, including the best places to find products! Ready to get started? Let’s dive in. Navigate This Guide: [ show hide ] What Is Wix? Can You Use Wix for Dropshipping? Pros & Cons of Wix Dropshipping How to Dropship on Wix (Step-by-Step) Sign Up for Wix Choose Your Template Customize Your Store Find Dropshipping Products Add Products to Your Wix Dropshipping Store Set Shipping Information Setup Payment Information Best Wix Apps for Dropshipping Printful Popify Fera Reviews SaleHoo AliExpress Wix Dropshipping FAQs How Much Does It Cost to Dropship on Wix? Is Wix Good for Dropshipping? Which Is Cheaper, Wix or Shopify? What Is Wix? Wix is one of the most popular website builders. It’s used by over 200 million website owners and eCommerce businesses across 190 countries. Anyone with an internet connection can build a functional website that looks great - no coding skills required. (phew!) Like Shopify, Wix is a hosted website solution. That means you don’t need to purchase hosting or install WordPress to get started. As long as you have an email address and an internet connection, you can build a website using Wix. Can You Use Wix for Dropshipping? The short answer: Yes, you can use Wix for dropshipping. Wix has been around since 2006. Yeah, it’s been awhile. But it’s only in the last few years that it has really looked to rival Shopify and establish itself as the go-to eCommerce store builder. More and more dropshippers are choosing Wix to create stores. In the first six months of 2021, the number of Wix stores connecting dropshipping platforms to their accounts increased by 123% YoY. So why is Wix becoming more popular? Well, it’s really easy to use with an intuitive editor that lets you change every element on your web pages. You have complete control over the look of your store and can let your creative skills shine! A packed Wix App Market also lets you add functionality and features to your dropshipping store within a couple of clicks. Want to add a rewards program to your store? You can find an app and create a custom rewards program in minutes. Job done! However, Wix has some significant drawbacks. It’s definitely not the best option for everyone. Pros & Cons of Wix Dropshipping First of all, you should know that there’s a free version of Wix. You can test the platform, try the editor, and get a closer look at the features without spending a single dollar. Sounds good. But the main issues with Wix aren’t to do with the website builder tools. The biggest problems sneak up on you after you’ve signed up and been with the platform for a while. Let’s take a closer look at the pros and cons of Wix dropshipping so you can see for yourself. Pros ✅ Massive Range of Templates This is one of the most impressive aspects of Wix dropshipping. It’s also one of the biggest selling points for the platform. There is a HUGE range of eCommerce templates you can use to build your store. At the time of writing, there are 126 Wix eCommerce templates! And all of these templates are free to use. In comparison, Shopify offers only four free eCommerce templates. So, if anyone at Shopify is reading this, more free templates, please! ✅ Drag and Drop Editor Next up on the list of awesome Wix features it’s the intuitive drag and drop interface. Wix makes it really easy to customize your template and create a unique storefront. For example, if you want to move your “Buy Now” button, just click and drag it to where you want. It’s simple, fast, and works great! The editor shows a live preview of exactly how the page will look as you make changes. So there are no nasty surprises after you click publish. You can also switch between the desktop and mobile editor to see how your site will appear on different devices. Wix allows you to make independent changes to your mobile site. It’s not just a responsive theme. For example, if you don’t like how your logo looks on your mobile site, you can change it without affecting how it looks for desktop users. It sounds like something every website builder should offer, but most don’t. Wix is a standout performer for mobile web design. ✅ Extensive Knowledge Base Wix has a huge knowledge base that covers almost every topic you could think of. You’ll find guides, tutorials, and video walkthroughs to help you with any problems you encounter building your online store. The reason this matters so much is that Wix customer support isn’t great. It shares some of the same issues as the other leading eCommerce platforms. If you need to speak directly to a real human, you’ll need to submit a ticket and wait for a callback from customer support. You can imagine how frustrating this could be if your store went down and every minute that passed was costing you sales! Cons ❌ You Can’t Move Your eCommerce Store to Another Platform This is the biggest issue with Wix. And it’s an annoying one. Once you’ve created your store, you can’t transfer it to another platform. You can set up a new store and import your products. But you’ll lose the design and all the other features that you set up on your Wix site. It’s not the end of the world. But it is something you should know about before you sign up to Wix. It’s important to note that this is also an issue with Shopify! ❌ One Domain Per Paid Plan You can create as many free Wix websites as you like. This is a great way to test out different templates and see which design template you like best. But you’re only allowed one domain per paid plan. If you want to expand your dropshipping empire with a new store in a different niche, you’ll have to pay for an additional paid plan. ❌ Fewer Dropshipping Apps and Integrations Wix has some great apps and features for eCommerce. But it doesn’t have as many dropshipping integrations and apps as rival platforms. Shopify is a specialized eCommerce platform, and it has specialized eCommerce and dropshipping tools. For example, SaleHoo Dropship is an integration for Shopify. It makes it easy to find new dropshipping products on AliExpress and import them to your store within a couple of clicks. With Wix, you’ll have to do a lot of the things that integrations can do manually. There are a few issues with Wix. But there’s also a lot to like. It’s a beginner-friendly platform that will meet the needs of almost all newbie dropshippers. So if you like the look of Wix and you’re ready to build your store, move on to the next section of the guide. How to Dropship on Wix (Step-by-Step) Ready to create your Wix website? In this section of the guide, we’ll walk you through the process of creating an eCommerce store with Wix from start to finish. Follow along with each of the seven steps below to get your store up and running. We’ve also added some expert tips and resources to help you along the way. 1. Sign Up for Wix To create a Wix store, you’re going to need a Wix account. So the first step is to sign up to Wix. Head over to wix.com and click on the ‘Get Started’ button. You’ll be asked to enter your email address and create a password. Wix doesn't make you sign up for a paid plan immediately, so you don’t need to enter your credit card details or address to get started with Wix dropshipping. Wix also allows you to create multiple websites on your free account. This is a good way to test out different templates. You can build a couple of stores with different layouts and branding to see what you like best. When you’re ready to launch your site, you’ll need a premium account to accept customer payments. That’s pretty crucial for a dropshipping store! 2. Choose Your Template Once you’ve signed up, you can choose to use the Wix ADI designer or select a template to customize. What’s the difference between the two options? Well, the Wix ADI uses artificial intelligence to help you create your website. It will ask you questions and use your answers to inform the design. This is a great feature if you’re new to website building. It also doesn’t affect your ability to customize your store later. If you want to build a framework for your store and customize it later, start with the Wix ADI. If you’re a little more experienced and comfortable using the drag and drop editor, choose a template to work with. Even if you prefer the ADI, it’s worth taking a look at the templates for inspiration. 3. Customize Your Store The Wix editor is easy to use and more flexible than Shopify. If you’ve used Shopify before, you’ll know that the editor system can be a bit rigid. Shopify uses menus and content blocks for customization. You can edit things, but your template limits what you can change. Wix provides a visual drag and drop editor. You can customize every element of your web page and add content blocks from the left-hand menu. It’s the most fun that you can have with a website builder! Wix provides these useful dotted lines when you’re moving things around the page. It helps you keep things aligned and slotted into the right places. Super-helpful! You can simply drag and drop elements around the page until you are happy with the design. If you’re using the Wix ADI, you’ll be able to choose template sections for your page. You can add a product carousel, hero image, reviews, and more. Each section category has around 10 options. If you click on an option, it will switch your current design with the one you’ve selected. It’s a simple page-building system. You can quickly get to grips with how it works and create your pages. Using Wix ADI, it’s pretty much impossible to build a web page that doesn’t look good! You can also choose a color palette for your eCommerce store. If you’ve already worked on your branding, find a color scheme to match. Wix also offers plenty of suggestions if you’re looking for some inspiration. There’s also an extensive range of stock images you can use. You’ll find thousands of free images that you can add to your store. There’s also a Shutterstock integration if you want to buy images. Once you’ve built a framework using Wix ADI, switch to the main drag and drop editor to finish customizing your store. You’ll be able to move elements around and tweak your design to make it your own. 4. Find Dropshipping Products The next step is to find dropshipping products to sell online. This is one of the most challenging tasks for beginner dropshippers. So what makes a good product? Here are the three main criteria for a great dropshipping product: Easy to ship - small and lightweight products work best. Good profit margins - You need to cover your marketing costs and still turn a decent profit. High customer demand - If there’s no market for the product, it’s not worth investing your time or money. If you find a product that meets the three criteria, it could be a winner. 🎓Learn More: 16 Best Wholesale Dropshipping Suppliers Directories in 2022 50 Best Dropshipping Products That Will Make Money in How to Find “Perfect” Dropship Products That Actually Sell in Where to Find Dropshipping Product Ideas eCommerce marketplaces can be a great place to get some inspiration for product ideas. You can see what’s trending and generating sales. Amazon is a good place to start. Check out the Amazon Best Sellers page to see which products are trending in your niche. Then, make a shortlist of possible products and the price range. Later in the guide, we’ll reveal the best places to look for dropshipping suppliers. Browsing Amazon, eBay, and AliExpress is one way to generate product ideas. But this can be a time-consuming process. A faster alternative is to use SaleHoo Labs. SaleHoo Labs is a market research tool that collects the latest sales data from Amazon, eBay, and other top marketplaces to reveal the best-selling eCommerce products. It has filter options to help narrow your search, including average sale price, level of competition, and sell rate (how well the product is selling). There are free ways to do product research, but a tool like SaleHoo Labs makes the process much easier. You can identify products and find suppliers in minutes! 💡Pro Tip: Before adding a product to your store, order a sample from the dropshipping supplier. This is super-important if you’re dealing with a new dropshipping wholesaler. Selling poor-quality products can damage your brand before you even get a chance to grow. Test out the product and the delivery service for yourself before you start to sell to customers. 5. Add Products to Your Wix Dropshipping Store Once you’ve found a winning product, it’s time to add it to your store. Unfortunately, this is one area where Wix isn’t as easy to use as Shopify! While Shopify offers a bunch of integrations to import products, the easiest way to do this with Wix is to download the Wix CSV template. A CSV file is more hands-on than a one-click product import, but it does allow you to import a large number of products in one go. Here’s how you can download the template and get products listed on your store. Click on ‘Store Products’ in the left-hand menu of the Wix dashboard. Then, click on the ‘Import’ icon. You’ll see a popup like the one below. Download the CSV file and save it to your computer. When you open the CSV file, you’ll see rows of sample product information like the example below.. Delete this data and populate the template with your product data. Once you’ve added your product data, save the CSV file. Next, go back to the ‘Store Products’ tab on your Wix store. Click on ‘Upload CSV File’ and select the new file on your computer. Click ‘Continue’ to upload the CSV file and add the products to your online store. You’ll be able to see your new products in the ‘Store Products’ tab. Once your products have been imported, you’ll be able to make edits to product and collections pages. Wix isn’t as user-friendly as Shopify when it comes to importing products. But it has been dedicating a bunch of resources to improving the platform. Fingers crossed they’re working on some new product integrations! 💡Pro Tip: Depending on how many products you’re uploading, the CSV file can take a while to upload. You can use this time to make additional edits to your store or move on to the next section in the guide. 6. Set Shipping Information One of the major benefits of dropshipping is that you don’t have to handle the shipping process. Your dropshipping supplier will fulfill orders when a customer makes a purchase. All you have to do is market your store and make sales. But you do have to make it clear when customers can expect to receive their orders. You also need to list shipping costs. Unfortunately, this information isn’t imported with the CSV file. You’ll need to set the shipping information for each product listing manually. If you sell to multiple countries, you can create different shipping costs and estimated delivery times for each zone. 💡Pro Tip: Make sure that your shipping rates and estimated delivery times match your dropshipping supplier. If you’re buying from suppliers in China, it can take several days for your product to arrive with customers. Most people are willing to wait for a few days to receive an order, but they need to know this information before they make a purchase. 7. Setup Payment Information The last step is to set up your payment gateways so you can get paid. This is an area where Wix shines! You can find the payment options in the settings menu under the ‘Store Manager’ tab in the Wix dashboard. Wix allows you to accept payment via all major credit and debit cards. You can also accept payments via PayPal. All you need to do is add your Stripe and PayPal account details. This will cover the payment needs of almost all of your customers. It’s super easy to set up! And the best bit? Wix doesn’t charge any transaction fees when you make a sale. While Shopify charges a minimum of 2.9% + 30¢ per sale, you don’t have to pay any transaction fees to Wix when you sell products. This can make a huge difference to your profits over the course of a year! Once you’ve set up payment gateways, you’re ready to go live. It’s time to get your products in front of your target audience, attract customers, and start generating sales. Check out the resources below to discover the best strategies to promote your dropshipping business. 🎓Learn More: How to Get Traffic to Your eCommerce Store: 7 Low-Cost Marketing Strategies for Dropshipping How To Create and Optimize Product Listing Ads (PLAs) for Dropshipping & eCommerce How to Build an eCommerce Sales Funnel for your Store — A Step-by-Step Guide Best Wix Apps for Dropshipping Wix comes with some great built-in features. But it doesn’t offer everything that you need out of the box. The good news is that you can fill the gaps using third-party apps. The Wix App Market offers over 300 free and paid apps that make it easy to add functionality to your online store. It’s really easy to download and install an app! So which apps are the best for a dropshipping store? Let’s take a look at the best Wix dropshipping apps. Printful Printful is one of the biggest names in print-on-demand (POD). The company offers a huge range of products that you can customize with your branding. You can add custom designs to t-shirts, hoodies, homeware, accessories, and more. There’s even a free design tool to help you create custom mockups. When a customer buys one of your products, Printful handles the production and shipping process. So what does the app do? The Printful app integrates your eCommerce website with your Printful account. It makes it easy to add print-on-demand products to your store. It also automates the customer order process. If you want to sell print-on-demand products, the Printful app is a must-have. Pricing: Free Popify Popify is a powerful tool for boosting conversions. More conversions = more profit. So what does it do exactly? The Popify app helps you to create popup notifications for your online store. You can display crash sales and discount notifications to encourage sales. The popup designer allows you to customize your popups to match your branding. You can also set where popups appear and the timing of when they are displayed. These are all great features. But Popify has more to offer. The best feature of the Popify app is the ability to create popups that display recent customer activity. You can display recent customer purchase information on your product pages. This can be a great way to boost social proof and inspire FOMO (fear of missing out). For example, you can automate popups like:  “James (California) purchased 3 minutes ago.” This can be a super-effective way to create urgency and scarcity. When your visitors see other people buying your products, they’re more likely to convert and click the “Buy Now” button. Pricing: From $11.95 per month (3-day free trial) Fera Reviews Fera Reviews is the best app on Wix for customer reviews. What does it do? The app automates the process of collecting reviews and displaying them on your online store. Adding customer reviews can boost the trustworthiness of your dropshipping business. It can also increase conversions. According to bazaarvoice, product pages that feature customer reviews generate 3.5x more conversions than those without. The Fera Reviews app allows you to display reviews on your homepage, product pages, and collections. It also helps you add structured data so that product pages appear with a star rating on the search engine results page (SERP). You can set up the app to automatically send emails to ask your customers for reviews. It also lets customers submit user-generated content with their reviews. Fera Reviews offer a limited free plan, so it’s well worth testing out! Pricing: Limited free plan (premium plans from $5 per month) SaleHoo You won’t find SaleHoo in the Wix App Market. But it’s still an excellent tool for Wix dropshipping. It’s one of the best places to find dropship suppliers. SaleHoo lists millions of products from thousands of suppliers around the world. And unlike AliExpress, all suppliers included in the SaleHoo Directory and SaleHoo Dropship tools are pre-vetted. No more stressing over low-quality products or scammy suppliers! You can find the contact information for each supplier on their profile or contact them directly through the platform’s chat feature. Signing up will also give you access to the SaleHoo Labs market research tool we mentioned earlier. Pricing: $67 per year AliExpress AliExpress is one of the biggest eCommerce marketplaces in the world. It’s not a Wix app, but it’s a great place to find dropshipping suppliers. It’s the sister platform of the B2B marketplace Alibaba. But, unlike Alibaba, you’ll find that most suppliers on the platform are willing to let you order single product units and handle the fulfillment process. There’s a vast range of products available on the AliExpress dropshipping platform. But the quality control isn’t always up to scratch. If you’re a SaleHoo member, you can use the SaleHoo Dropship tool to find pre-vetted suppliers. It helps you avoid low-quality goods and find reliable AliExpress partners for your dropshipping business. Pricing: Free Starting a Dropshipping Business With Wix Dropshipping is a low-risk way to get in on the global boom in eCommerce. You can quickly set up a store and start selling online. It’s low cost, and you don’t need any special training or qualifications to get started. One of the biggest challenges on your journey to financial freedom is finding reliable dropshipping suppliers. It’s also one of the most crucial aspects of building a successful store. That’s why we created the SaleHoo Directory. It’s a huge directory of over 8,000 pre-vetted suppliers and millions of products. It takes away the hassle of dealing with shady suppliers. You can find the right partners to grow your dropshipping empire. Sign up today with a 60-day money-back guarantee and start connecting with trustworthy dropshipping partners. Wix Dropshipping FAQs How Much Does It Cost to Dropship on Wix? It’s free to create a Wix dropshipping store. But you’ll need to upgrade to a premium plan to accept payments - an essential feature. Wix eCommerce premium plans start from $23 per month. It’s a hosted solution, so you won’t need to pay additional web hosting fees. Is Wix Good for Dropshipping? Wix is one of the best options for beginner dropshippers. The website builder is easy to use, and every template is fully customizable. It’s easy to set up payment gateways and add functionality to your store. The drawback is that there are fewer third-party dropshipping integrations. And if you choose to leave the platform, you’ll need to rebuild your online store from scratch. Is Wix Cheaper Than Shopify? The most affordable Wix eCommerce plan is $23 per month, while the cheapest Shopify plan for a standalone store is $29 per month. There is a Shopify Lite plan for only $9 per month, but this will only allow you to embed products on other websites. You also need to consider the cost of transaction fees. With the Shopify Basic plan, you will be charged 2.9% + 30¢ per sale. Wix doesn’t charge any transaction fees.  
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