Median Top 1000 conversion rates by merchant type

Median Top 1000 conversion rates by merchant type
Top 1000 conversion Direct Marketers and Retail Chains merchant types are both well above the Top 1000 medians of 2.84% in 2021 and 2.86% in 2020. The good news for retailers is that the similar 2021 median conversion rate of 2.84% compared to 2020 suggests consumers are still purchasing with less of the click around […] To access this post, you must purchase Platinum Memberships, Platinum Memberships – North American Platinum, Platinum Memberships – International Platinum, Platinum Memberships – Platinum Bundle, Gold Membership, Reoccuring Billing Test Product, Clorox 2019 Gold Membership, Sodimac Gold Membership 2021 or Silver Membership. The post Median Top 1000 conversion rates by merchant type appeared first on Digital Commerce 360.
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